Sunday, August 23, 2009

First two days of school

Olivia has had a great first two days of school. The first day they got out at 1:55 (as they do every Thurs, screwy huh?) and she was all smiles at the end of the day. She made a "new best friend" although does not know her name. She loves Ms Miller. On Friday I awoke at 6:30 am to Olivia standing at my bedside dressed with her back pack on wanting to know if it was time to leave yet. I miss that enthusiasm for school! She seemed a little disappointed that it was the weekend yesterday. Josh and the kids were going fishing today. We leave on Friday for two days in Chicago it should be a great time!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Off to school

We have had a busy last three days (but aren't they all). On Tuesday we went to Olivia's school for the ice cream social. She got to take in her school supplies, meet her teacher and have some ice cream.

Yesterday we had an Olivia and Mommy day. We went to Cedar Rapids to chucky cheese. We had a great time and had pizza and won 580 tickets that we bought some fabulous prizes with.

Today was Olivia's frist day of school. She usually gets up at 6:30 in the morning but of course at 7:15 I had to get her out of bed. She had some breakfast and it was off to school. Jacob wanted to go in too and wanted his picture taken by the door.

Olivia with her iCarly lunch bag and ready for her first day.

This is Olivia's teacher Ms Miller. She is the absolute textbook definition of a kindergarten teacher. She is pretty and super nice. Olivia met her at kindergarten round up and then Josh and Olivia saw her one day out on a walk and she remembered Olivia's name. None of us could believe it, out of 100 kids at round up she remembered Olivia's name. Well, Olivia hoped and hoped that Ms. Miller would be her teacher so we were very excited when it turned out that she was.

Olivia and Jacob saying their goodbyes.

My baby girl going in to school for the first time. Mom stayed relatively well composed. I was surprised there was only one kid crying that I saw.

She gets out of school today at 1:55. The house is so quiet without her.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Because we have all been there....

I think everyone with kids has been at the place where there child gets old enough to embarrass them. We have a trip planned at the end of the month to Chicago, and as a special treat I made reservations for Olivia, Josh's mom MaryJane and myself to have lunch at the American Girl doll store. For those of you without small girls, this is a mildly ridiculous store in big cities with very elaborate dolls that cost about $100 and any accessory you could ever want from furnature to horses to clothes. There are parts of the store where you can buy clothes for you, your doll and your mom that all match and there are always plenty of mothers and daughters and dolls dressed alike. They have a cafe there that you can have lunch and it is very popular.

Back to the story. Olivia has gone recently from being 5 to 15 with a mouth to match. She is punished by losing priveliges and things she may have gotten. Well this past week she "lost" getting something at the American Girl store when we go for lunch. Later in the day she asked me if I thought her Grandma would get her a doll there. I was not in the mood for a battle so I said, maybe but she may get you something for the doll you already have like some clothes or glasses or something (a $10-$15 expense as opposed to a $100 doll). I quite literally had forgotten this conversation when tonight Olivia was talking to said Grandma on the phone and said....."my mom said you would buy me a doll and some clothes at the American girl store". I said "Olivia, dont say that", to what she replied to her Grandma....."my mom doesn't want me to tell you that". Kids have a funny knack for taking things out of context and embarrassing the heck out of you dont they!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Best Week Ever!!

What a great week the Madsen kids had. I had to work on Friday - Monday so Dad and the kids were busy.

Saturday Dad and the kids went to Lowe's and they built boats. They got aprons, patches to sew on their aprons and cool safety goggles.
After Lowe's Dad took them to the Cedar Rapids Kernals game. Jacob loves his baseball.
On Sunday the kids went fishing and had donuts
Jacob got to drive the car in the garage one of his favorite pasttimes.
I took the kids out for some shopping and when we got back. Josh had filled the entire cooler with water balloons. It was awesome but definatly short lived, the entire cooler was gone in about 5 minutes
On Monday was Olivia's last day of school at UIHC CCC. It was kind of a sad day for me she was there for 5 years. The kids in her class made her a nice good-bye sign.
On Tuesday, Olivia and Jacob and I took our bikes down to her new school for a picnic lunch.
The big cap of the week was a trip to Adventureland. Our plan was to take just Olivia for the day but she would not have it, she wanted her Jacob to come. We asked Grandma Diane to come so that she could help with Jacob. We had a great time. We rode lots of rides. Jacob and Olivia both loved the log ride.

Grandma and Josh rode the space shot

Olivia and Jacob rode the "frog hopper". Jacob did NOT like it.

Jacob and Olivia rode the Lady bugs together. Jacob did not get off until three rides later!

After the Lady bugs we took Jacob on the Galleon (this is a large boat that swings back and forth) this was the breaking point for my little daredevil Jacob, he cried the whole time. The next morning I went in to wake him up and the first thing out of his mouth before his eyes were open was "I cry on the pirate ship mommy".......poor kid
Olivia and I went on the Outlaw roller coaster. "That was the worst part of my day mom"....Wow zero for two.

What a busy week. Now its time to settle in and get ready for school on Thursday.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Olivia's time in Fort Dodge

Olivia had a great time in Fort Dodge last week. She loved helping grandma at work especially driving the fork lift. Mom took her to the Children's forest to which Olivia replied when they got there "grandma, its just trees".

One of Olivia's favorite things to do is go fishing. Good thing her Grandma Diane likes to do that too. They had a great time. Olivia caught 7 fish. More than anyone else who went fishing. She is very methodical about the worm she picks and then is very patient and waits for the fish. She must get that from her dad.
This is one of Olivia's 7 fish she caught. She tells me she picked the good worms and gave Grandpa Joe the not so good ones which is why he didn't catch very many fish.

Olivia with the Grandma and Grandpa's at Grandpa Joe's cabin.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The tooth fairy shall cometh!!!!

Olivia's tooth has been loose for about a week and a half now. She has been working on it pretty hard to get it to come out.

Tonight at bedtime it was hanging on by a thread.....gross. Her and Josh were talking about it being so loose and when I came in she asked me if I would pull it. So being the good mom that I am, I did. It came right out, she didn't even realize I had done it. It did not hurt and did not bleed. She told me she hopes that the tooth fairy did not have plans with her boyfriend tonight because she was going to have to cancel to come to our house!! Good thing I dont think the tooth fairy had plans to do anything tonight. I have to work Friday - Monday and thought for sure that I would miss her losing her first tooth so I am pretty happy it happened today.

We called Amy to tell her that Olivia's tooth had come out. And Amy asked her what she thought the tooth fairy would bring her. Olivia said "earrings". Good thing we had already had that discussion and the tooth fairy had a heads up and took care of that less than two hours ago huh?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We went to the pool in Fort Dodge yesterday and since Jacob is always such a daredevil and he had his life jacket on we thought we would ty the diving board. Well, he went out of control!! He went off the diving board about 20 times not hesitating once!

Olivia and Jacob in her new blow up princess bed. It has been nice to have Olivia home from Grandma's. She had such a good time she was sad to leave today. Now we start the countdown for school, only 15 days to go!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Great grandmas and fishing

We have had quite a week here in Madsen-ville. On Thursday of last week I dropped Olivia off at Grandma Diane's. We spent some time at great Grandma Glo's house first which Jacob always loves. He has really taken to her (as he does most people) and after lunch he sweetly grabbed her hand and said "come play trucks with me gamma go"

We had a great time. When it came time to drop Olivia off she said "bye mom" I had to beg for a kiss and hug and she was off. She has had so much to tell us. Grandpa Joe took her shopping for fishing supplies and got her some pink lures.....imagine that. She went fishing on Sunday and caught 7 fish! Im sure we will have pictures soon.

I had to work the whole weekend so Josh and Jacob had a "boys weekend" they went to Charles City on saturday to see Great Grandma Shirley. Uncles Rob and Greg and Grandpa Doug were there too. They went to the park and did some yard work.

Jacob and Uncle Rob on the swings.

Then on Sunday they went fishing. I am so sorry I missed this one. Jacob had a great time and looked so darn cute on the rocks fishing and eating his donut!! What a great Daddy he has.

Jacob and I are off now to pick up Olivia at Grandma's. I don't think she is ready to come home so we will have to plan another sleep over some time!