Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just a matter of time

We got a trampoline this summer. I guess we knew it was just a matter of time before an injury. I got off of work last night and came home to Olivia crying. She usually cries when she is mad but rarely when she gets hurt and she was refusing to move her left arm. I took her to the ER and as you can maybe see in the very middle of the picture below She has a broken collar bone.

She was such a trooper last night. They gave her pain medicine in the ER that made her more talkative than usual....hard to believe!! But it was pretty sore this morning. She has to wear a sling for a few days but was in no way missing school today. I offered her to stay home, she didn't want to! I asked if I could take her picture this morning and she said "fine, but Im NOT smiling!"

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